Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter Light

My daughter asked me to photograph the snowfall we had last night, but it melted.  However, the gray of winter can be seen in my hair as I sit by the window.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Persimmons and Pomegranate

Persimmon-Pomegranate Salad

Pickled Fish Restaurant - Just Fantastic Food

This was my dinner one night at the Adrift Hotel in Long Beach, Washington, where we stayed three days with our two sons over the holiday.  

The Pickled Fish had the most wonderful food I've ever had in a restaurant.  Some of our choices:  Fire-grilled elk sliders with smoky heirloom tomato catsup, vintage Oregon cheddar, brioche buns and pickles; the Haight Ashbury Pizza Pie, with onions, smoked gouda, rosemary and forest foraged wild local mushrooms; Washington whiskey lacquered forest foraged wild mushrooms with bacon fat and candied garlic; ubiquitous local dungeness crab cakes with a broken smoky cranberry vinaigrette and a toss of micro greens 'n herbs; smoky local organic pumpkin bisque with cinnamon yogurt, fried sage and popcorn; the freshest mess of greens with a lemonade vinaigrette, rogue creamery blue, filberts, heirloom apple and bee pollen;  truffle fries - hand-cut Oregon taters, white truffle oil, veronica's black truffle salt and truffle catsup; Montecucco farms roasted heirloom beets, arugula, smoked pine nuts, Washington cider vinaigrette and sheep's milk cheese...and desserts that were pumpkin, chocolate and hazelnut.   

All these were ours, for a modest price, gorgeous presentation, and a wonderful dining atmosphere.

Three Days at Long Beach, Washington

Photo sets to follow, when we get time to process them...
Thanksgiving at Rue and Annies, with the here.

Biking With My Sons - Long Beach

Wonderful ocean vista, sunshine and surf... film here.

Our Daughter is Expecting in February

Saturday, December 01, 2012

My Little Cabin in Autumn

The cabin I built for my grand-daughter, who is now 16, is now frequented by squirrels up in the loft.  They hide nuts under a blanket. 

Friday, November 09, 2012

And The Rain of Autumn Begins....

Erdoğan Emir-SEN VARSIN ORDA                                         
Erdoğan Emir_ To Şiya  
Erdoğan Emir - Elkana Vayé                  
CharlesFred travel throughout the world...Flickr photos here, blog here.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Barley, with Parsnips, Carrots, Onions & Leeks

Online Travel In My Down-time

I've been enjoying the dwellings of Turkey, the music and culture. I've also gone on a few 'Google Earth' street view excursions in my down-time.  Italy has been a favorite, but I'm looking forward to street views someday of many locations in Turkey, a place of such ancient history and culture. 

When the leaves fall in autumn, it is time to collect them, and pack them in the garden trenches for the winter. Once this is done, I will 'put the garden away' for the season, and hibernate in my kitchen...

Thursday, November 01, 2012

A Favorite Film - The Wind Will Carry Us

A beautiful film by Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami ....more here. I first played this film from our library on a DVD, so I could pause the still shots.  Then, I drew images from the film that became paintings I now have on a wall in my home.  There are many U-tube videos of the film.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Garbanzo Bean Salad

Everything grown in the garden, except the garbanzos - tomatoes, leeks, purple brussel sprout leaves, red onion, kale, and Laurel's home-grown purple grapes.  This salad has a garlic dressing, and home-made Labneh, a cheese made from yogurt.

End of the Tomatoes

Monday, October 22, 2012

Subscriptions on Facebook

One of the features of Facebook is the opportunity to subscribe to the newsfeed from people of other cultures - they share their life with you, enabling you to appreciate how they live, what is important to them.  Two subscriptions I've enjoyed lately are from people living in remote northern climates. Their lifestyle is challenging, requiring many outdoor skills; and friends and family are cherished.