As difficult as marriage can be, it is the next step upward in adulthood. The guidelines of our Faith indicate that one must "exercise the utmost care to become thoroughly acquainted with the character of the other, that the binding covenant between them may be a tie that will endure forever." This they do through service within their Baha'i community, and by participating at social gatherings like Baha'i summer schools and study circles.
Megan and Taraz met with us, and we discussed their relationship, their goals, and what they find endearing and meaningful about each other. George then asked questions about Megan's upbringing and family relationships. He pointed out areas of strength and weakness in Taraz, and described the challenges of living with someone with Taraz's temperment and disposition.
In other words, George wanted to ask the essential questions that do not remain buried, so that he will have done his part to point out any obstacles beforehand. There is wisdom in knowing what some of the issues may be, before one embarks on the journey. I was very impressed with the careful considerations, the thoughtfulness and genuine concern everyone feels for one another.
I believe that Megan and Taraz will become loving companions and help-mates. Both are courteous and soft-spoken, loving and kind. I had very little to say or ask (especially since George covered most everything), but I did say that Taraz has always been especially sensitive to the well being of his Mom, doing everything to bring me comfort, to validate my interests, and to honor my feelings. And, the way a son treats his mother is often the way he will treat his wife.
Taraz also knows that what I love most in his Dad is his sense of humor - the ability to make me laugh. It is the little playful banter, the silly dumb jokes, the puns, that have made George so endearing to me.
And, Taraz has this ridiculous play, too. When it was time to say some prayers, I started with a prayer that began with, "O my God! Let the outpourings of Thy bounty and blessings descend upon (our) homes.....". George started his prayer with something like: "These are servants attracted in Thy days by the fragrances of Thy holiness, enkindled with the flame burning in Thy holy tree, responding to Thy voice, uttering Thy praise....". And then Taraz, with feigned seriouness, read, "O my Lord, I dedicate that which is in my womb unto Thee. Then cause it to be a praiseworthy child in thy Kingdom and a fortunate one by Thy favor and Thy generosity..."
Yes, his humor can verge on irreverance - but, hey, it's all a matter of timing. Someday, Megan and Taraz may very well be reading that prayer, just like I did 25 years ago when I was carrying Taraz. Every good thing goes full circle, bringing life to its fullest expression.
Megan's parents, Kevin and Therese, have given their consent, and blessing, too. We are delighted, and look forward to a wedding in September.