My daughter Laurel is a raw foods chef. She emphasizes the benefits of eating raw foods - increased energy levels, decreased illness and disease, healthier skin, and successful weight loss. She says that cooking food at high temperatures destroys beneficial enzymes and nutrients that promote health. I've known this for quite awhile, but then....I love to grill, bake, fry, steam, and generally mangle anything I can get my hands on! It is the 'play' that makes food-handling fun.
However, it is always fun to see what Laurel is up to. She showed me stuff in her pantry and refrigerator, and I enjoyed looking at all her spices, grains, and dehydrated foods. Everything was carefully labeled and organized - so typical of a professional chef.
Laurel showed how to prepare and dehydrate garden-fresh kale (a favorite of mine) by coating the leaves with a ground cashew-spice blend, then dehydrating the leaves.
Laurel shops organic, raw, whole foods. She had packages of raw granola made with coconut, almonds, pumpkin seeds, figs, raw agave, vanilla bean and cinnamon. Brazil nuts can be added, and the contents are put in a blender with spring water to make Brazil Nut Milk. She had young coconuts, de-husked by the grocier. She drinks the coconut water.
Ruhiyyih and I drove up on Saturday to visit, and some of Ruhiyyih's friends joined us.
Laurel said it would be 'potluck', which is her way (I think) of saying she's not inclined to cook! She served salmon, however, and