It indicated rain here yesterday, so we drove over Snoqualmie Pass to the eastern side of the state to do some canoeing.
We found 90 degree temperatures, hot sun, and not a soul around...except the guy who filled our gas tank.
Obviously, most people were indoors, not running marathons or waterskiing or canoeing. We drove to a lake that was 'off the map', didn't even seem to have a name, and was bordered by NO TRESSPASSING signs along the valley and up into the hills.
People, uh, guys, had been there because they leave their droppings - Bud Lite, lure and sinker packages, beef jerkey wrappings...and, butt wipes in the bushes.
Sure was a desolate place. Big rocky cliffs edged one shoreline, so we sought a little shade padding along there, and I filmed a lot of swallow nests in the crevaces. There were three 70 foot waterfalls, and we got up pretty close to check them out...although I wasn't up to much hiking, it was just too hot. And, I'd removed most of my clothing.
Now, I'm usually more modest, but I assumed that there would be no one around - and there wasn't, until some guy flew his plane down the length of the lake! We were just about 50 feet away when he zoomed past us, dipping his right wing down several times to wave a hello. I thought he was going to land, but he pointed the nose of his plane up, and he was outta there...I guess he just wanted to check out the scenery. Guys are like that, you know.