Yesterday I went to a Vintage Car Show over by Stadium High School, in the old historic section of Tacoma.
The cars were made in the 50's, some older, and they were rebuilt, repainted, and had great style. So I photographed some, and broused around.
I like to talk to guys about their cars, because they had so much fun rebuilding them. You'd be surprised at some of the owners. Not elitist, rich folk, as you'd expect, but Harley guys who love cars. The owners were as colorful as their cars, and their women sat with them, beer in hand, rings on every finger, tatoos on shoulders, arms, everywhere.
A DJ was playing music from the 50's, so I guess that was the theme, but I saw older cars too. All the hoods were up, and those engines were so shiny I had trouble photographing them in bright sunlight.
I don't know who thought to bring in a few old junkers that had sat out in some dusty field, probably over in Sprague, Washington...I've filmed many gorgeous colors on old trucks there, with hornets building nests in the rotted seat-covers, cob-webs between spaces in the hubcaps. When we travel, I always film rusted old machinery. I love it. There is history there.
So here are some of the pictures I brought back. Browse down, I hope you enjoy them.
I'll add just a few historical facts to suppliment the picture... did you know, that the history of automobiles began 4,000 years ago when the first wheel was used for transportation in India?