We drove through a few of the orchards, just to look at the trees. It was full production - apricots, peaches, cherries, plums, nectarines. Looks like apple and pear will follow. Migrant workers were busy with ladders and baskets, and the trucks were loading up.
This little fruit stand was a Mom and Pop deal that sold Marrion Berry Jam and onions by the wagon-full.
We cooked all our meals over a fire or grill, and made coffee with a propane burner so it would be faster in the morning. I always like a nice hot chilli with potato rolls slathered with olive oil and seasonings (pesto, with pinenuts and basil is good if there is extra oil). And oatmeal is great for a cold morning. I like to fry up hashbrowns and sausage with eggs, and add a side dish of fried apple danish - crisp bottom, warm top.
We bought our food as we went, relying on the roadside markets like this one. Only once did we eat in a Cafe, on our way home, for a late breakfast - it was in a little roadside place that gave free coffee to the locals. The waitress looked about 14, and lumbermen came dressed in workboots, jeans torn off at the bottoms, suspenders, and frayed shirts. All the men were getting meals to go, heading back up into the woods.