We've dug up all my Dahlia tubers for transplanting. This is something we do in the spring - I cut most of these bundles into 4 or 5 'eyes', and new plants start from them. Problem is, I've cut back on my Dahlias, to just a few, and with all the eyes, I've got about 200 more tubers than I really need. Each one is worth a couple of dollars if bought separately at the nursery. Now, what to do with all the rest.....
I've had George do all the digging this year, as I just don't want to trigger my tendonitis again - ever! Seems like whenever I hold a digging fork, my shoulders pay a price for it the next day. So, he is getting the excercise this year.
We are digging out some of my old perennial flowerbeds also, and removing old woody plants. I'll put some of the Dahlia tubers there this year, then decide in the fall how I want to continue with the garden.
This summer I'm planning a kitchen garden along my fence, so I can have substantial herbs, tomatoes, beans, onions, spinach and lettuce. I like to make my own tomato sauce in the fall, and it takes at least 6 good tomato plants to pull it off well.
Now that I'm retired, I want to spend most of my time outside when the weather is warm, either working in the yard, walking and hiking, or getting out on the water. (The wintertime is for art projects and blogging, which will probably take a back seat for awhile while I get things going.) Anyway, I always love this time of year - it is worth waiting all winter for, and it has finally arrived.