When we were raising our family I was the only one who ever locked the front door - everyone else was in too big of a rush to even think about it. To solve that, I had a storeroom doornob installed - it keeps the door permanently locked, and a key is needed to unlock it from the outside.
I thought I'd solved the problem, until I noticed that when my husband attends meetings late into the evening he actually forgets to shut the front door when he arrives home. The door is IN the door-jam, but NOT shut. When I awake in the morning to get the newspaper I'll sometimes find the wind has pushed the door open an inch. I imagine anyone could have entered our home while we were sleeping! And, they could have taken George's keys, wallet and phone, which are on the bookshelf just three steps away. Yes, readers, that is where his valuables are: Top shelf, on the bookcase, next to the coats. On the left. (It could be a two second heist even in the dark - trust me.)
What to do. Guess I have to change the note - it is not the locking of the door that is necessary. It is shutting the door that counts. And those hand warmers? Ladies, you know where to put them, if your shirt gets wet!