I was making this Parsnip & Broad Bean Soup today when Oprah had her last show today. I lived in the Chicago area when she first started the show, and was there to see the first year and now, the last show. Today she said, "Wherever you are, that is your reach." I liked that - bloom where you are planted.
It takes a month for parsnips to germinate...I'm waiting for June 7th, to see if that happens.
This soup is hearty - carrots, celery, leeks, onion and garlic, a smoked ham bone; seasoned with salt, pepper, za-attar, turmeric. Seasoned, fried pita bread is wonderful in this soup.
Our son Rue joined us on a day hike at Guillemot Cove. It was a cool sunny day, perfect for exploring a forest. The twins - Bonnie and Bonita. A little creek wanders through the Cove. This old barn is part of an early homestead. The homestead, long abandoned. Frank and Bonnie settle in for lunch on the beach. A treasure chest is on a shelf inside this playhouse. People sign a guest book and leave little talismans or gifts - I left a little flashlight in the stump house. I could hardly see anything inside!
My sister and her husband enjoyed a gorgeous day, fresh air and sunshine at the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge. We packed our lunches and enjoyed a lazy afternoon on the boardwalk. Here, Frank is inside a viewing station.
Ruhiyyih and Matt, Bonnie and Frank, and George and I had tough choices - climb over, climb under, or find a route around. Three of us fell, unable to get secure footing.
We packed lunches, thermoses of hot coffee, and rain gear.
This hike is challenging in late spring.
I'd like to come back in the summer - the varied terrain and the views are worth the hike.
When my sister and her husband arrived for a ten-day visit I had a meal waiting - Rasam soup; Boston baked beans with pork belly; cottage cheese; curried garbanzo salad; and beet-red onion-orange-walnut salad.
When they sat down and looked at the food my brother-in-law said, "Real Food!", meaning, primarily plant-based whole food prepared at home.
Throughout the ten days they were here I prepared about twenty-five meals, most of them vegan, heart-healthy, and with middle-eastern origins - Egyptian, Indian, and a little Italian. George threw in a meal of fresh cod and another featuring pork chops, and he cooked most of the breakfasts - bacon and eggs, pancakes. We all enjoyed that, especially on a hiking day. And one day our guests ordered pizza to enjoy while we all watched 'Survivor'.
I had a great time improvising, and emptying out the freezer of bread, soup, paneer, and pappadam filled with khoshari or curry. It was enjoyable improvising, sharing some of my most favorite recipes, going over my 'workbooks', recipes and photos. This apple pecan pie had a flaxmeal/walnut crust and butterscotch syrup poured over the top.
When all is said and done, every artist hungers for self expression, and everyone hungry after an all-day hike will eat just about anything!
We had a beautiful day on Sunday - brilliant sunshine, warmth, everything green and budding-out. Ohop Lake was rimmed with people fishing - the lakes were stocked for the beginning of the season. We ended the day with a picnic and a walk at Lake Alder. Brauts on a bun and green beans.
Wheat and corn were combined with vegetables and seasonings, then placed inside a whole roasted chicken. The combination was great - chewy, yet firm. I roasted vegetables on the side, then piled them on top when the meal was served.
I placed the chicken on the grill with some marinated pork ribs, then grilled corn on the cob. We enjoyed our first spring barbecue in the backyard, side-dressed with sunshine and cherry blossoms. Dessert: Marshmallows and Hazelnut Wafers.