Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Guys Take Over - I'm Pooped

I've done about ten trips, getting Rahmat moved out of his old apartment. He's got all of his stuff stored in the garage, and now he tells me that he can move into a house with four friends (one, from work), all of which are ..... g..i..r..l..s..!!

Now, it's not completely settled. 'Bout 99 percent certainty, he says. That means, if all goes well, he'll ask to use the van the rest of this week to move everything into a room he hopes to rent in a house.

I've got my fingers much as I'd like him to get another place as soon as possible, I do wonder if the girls are ready for .... him. He may not do his dishes until everyone is dirty. Then he is motivated. I told him that he'd better rinse them off and store them in his room, cause women like a clean kitchen. I can remember when my kids took turns doing dishes, and when one of them would balk, I wouldn't scold him, I'd just rinse them (sometimes), and put them out in the garage. Soon, no dishes were available for a meal, and we'd all be sitting there, looking at food sitting in the kettle....they learned fast that Mom just lets consequences speak for themselves.

I was glad Taraz came over to take over where I've left off - I've handed over the keys to Rahmat, and I hope between the two of them, our garage will be empty by the weekend. Just to mow the lawn today, I had to move 4 huge speakers, two bikes, and half the camping gear. It seems like just as George gets it cleaned up and tidy, this type of cramming takes place, and nobody can reach anything.

Taraz gets married on the 16th, and I need to get this house ready for company. I've only got ten days to do about a year's worth of cleaning. Just thinking about it makes me feel tired.