When I finished my work in the kitchen I went to check my e-mail, and was hoping for some down-time. Our cat Pandora was outside on the front porch watching me from the window. She decided she'd rather be inside pestering me while I was on the computer. So, when she lightly tapped on the windowpane, which is her signal for coming inside, I ignored her. And ignored her. And.....ignored her.
She got tired of tapping and stretched her paws way up over her head as far as she could reach. Then she slowly slid her nails down the windowpane. Right. In. Front. Of. Me! It was like chalk on a blackboard! Just horrible! Rahmat laughed so hard while I scolded that darn cat. He said he'd wished he had a camera ready so he could have sent Pandora to America's Funniest Home Videos.