Thursday, May 18, 2006

On His Own - Rahmat

Our son Rahmat characterizes himself as 'being a lot like my Mom' on his blog, but you'd never know that by looking at the photos I took of him the other day in his apartment.

First, I don't hang from door-jams.
Secondly, I do not work out with weights.

He is almost 23, and is the 'baby of the family'. Rahmat is my 5th child, independent, thriving on time alone pursuing his projects, one of which is designing his own video games.

When you look at his single room, it is obvious that he spends money on computers, his bike, and his exercise equipment.

There is simply not much more than that....not even a bed. (But then, both Taraz and Rahmat prefer to sleep on mats on the floor, Japanese style. Come morning, you just roll them up, and you've got tons of space.)

I looked around for something to photograph, and I realized it was not going to be much more than a pair of shoes, a few pots and pans, and an old telephone nailed to the wall. Sparce is the word here.

But, he is doing pretty well, newly emancipated. He sure is doing better than he was in the 3rd grade, when he wrote this:

Dear parents,
Rahmatullah is acting strange. We don't know if he is O.K. We took him to the office and took his tempicher and something was rong. He had 208 tempicher. He has the flu, cold & feaver. We gave him medasine and it didn't work. Do you know what it is. If you don't call us. The number is, 752-3824. Hurry! He could die soon. Right now he is suffuring. He is dieing just a little. He is laying on the chair. Were going to call the amblance if you cant come in 30 minuts. In about 50 he will die. Please come fast!

And another scribbling said:
Dear parents,
Rahmatullah is not cuwaperating in class. Were trying everything but he won't do anything. Mrs. C. is getting very mad. You have to help me. If he does anything wrong you be there. I'll see you there. Rahmatullah is going to scoll on Saturday Please come! Go to scoll at 2:00 sharp. Please do not be late because we can't do any other time. He will BE treated the way he treated are students. He will have to be nice. If he does anything wrong he will not go to reses again. If he doesn't cuwoperate he will be treted even bader. The qonsa quenses he will take will be vary mene. He will never want to go back to this place again! If he still wont cuwoperate send hims to millatery school. After this day he'l never want to go back again!