Friday, September 08, 2006

Nice Kitty

This is Pandora, one of our cats. She was very lazy on the weekend, sleeping out on the patio most of the time. I think this was the only time I saw her sit up.

But here's another kitty, and she's
ready to play... I have no clue how they got this to work. There are some great code writers out there! If you tease her with the mouse pointer on her chest or stomach she will purr, I got her to meow also, by rubbing her forehead with the pointer. If you make a slow circle around her body, (counter-clockwise) not only will her head/eyes follow your pointer, but toward the top, her paw will go up, and when in front of her paws at the bottom, her foot comes out like she wants to play with your mouse pointer. (Don't hold the mouse down, just move it) Enjoy! (Thanks to Bubbie Dear for the link)