Monday, February 09, 2009

Brown Bagging It - Cauliflower Soup

George said he'd love to be able to pack home-made lunches for work, so I made him some cauliflower soup. This is garnished with finely chopped chives, freshly sprouted fenugreek, and crushed Asian crackers. Oatcakes shown here are great with peanut-butter.

George has been in the habit of purchasing salads from a local deli during his noon break at work, and drives to the market for his afternoon snacks. That is a lot of wasted time during his work day. It could be better spent on a brisk walk...but, that is another story.

He asked if I'd prepare a variety of things to
pack in a lunchbox, so I spent some time on the weekend cooking, and placed everything in containers in the refrigerator to be pulled out when packing the lunches. We've tried lunchboxes in the past, and they never worked. George always seemed to rush out the door in the morning and never took the time to fill his lunchbox. Or, it would be prepared, sit in the fridge, and he'd forget to take it in the morning.

I figure that the only way it will work is if I become responsible for preparing the food, packing his lunchbox, and putting it by the front door in the morning.
Seriously, that is a whole lot of work for someone (like myself) who doesn't function in the morning until after they've had their coffee! I'd have to put out a note by the coffee maker "Put George's lunch by front door." Then, I realized that I could prepare the food, pack the lunchbox and store it overnight in his car. It is 35 degrees at night!

So, I packed it all up, and wouldn't you know, he wanted to know what I'd packed for him. He wanted to open all the little containers, to know what he could look forward to! I had to laugh, but opened all of them for his inspection. Then
, I took his lunchbox out to his car.

I made goat cheese feta for spinach salads.

Wheat-berry salad and carrot-cabbage coleslaw.

Roasted vegetables with spareribs.

Rice pudding with nutmeg, cinnamon, rum flavoring and home-made lemon yogurt.

Flaxmeal carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

These last two - the desserts - are for a mid morning, mid-afternoon taste thrill with coffee or tea, very small portions.

I made the rice pudding with brown basmati rice, and used flaxmeal and whole wheat flour for the cake. Tomorrow, he'll get fresh fruit and roasted chicken, which I had, but couldn't fit into his lunchbox!

Now, the next issue is whether or not he will remember to bring all the containers home - rinsed out.