Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Getting What You Wish For

My daughter Ruhiyyih wrote a post entitled "I Wish I Could", and it inspired me to list a few of my wishes. I realized that just about everything that I really wish for manage to arrive, one way or another, but not always in a timely fashion.

I've wanted to understand why I have double vision, and whether or not there can be a treatment plan to restore it. It took four years and five doctors to arrive at the conclusion that it is not just congenital, not just age-related, but that a head injury that I had many years ago is also a contributing factor. I was riding my bike, and hit by a car. I fell on my head and was briefly hospitalized. The impact of this acident is now impacting on my vision as I age. It will require specialized vision therapy to see if I can regulate it.

But, back to the bike thing. Since George is now driving my car, I ride a bike about two miles to my jogging route. I climb three hills, jog about four miles, and with the bike ride over and back, it takes about 2 1/2 hours for the entire workout. Feels great, works up a good appetite.

But, I haven't been wearing a helmet. There are bike lanes most of the way, and I also use sidewalks in heavily congested areas. Problem is, helmets just don't fit good, even when I tie up my hair at the bottom of my head. Most helmets just slide down over my eyes and become a nuisance.

Rahmat recently bought a new helmet that has a special adjustable strap at the back that holds everything in place. I tried it on, and it fit perfectly! I'm determined to try to find one like it, but not pay $80.00. So, that is what I'm wishing for... and, to avoid any accident while riding my bike.

I will add that my computer is down, and I have yet to learn how to upload photos on George's laptop and put them through Picassa. I've got to figure out a new system, and when I think of that, I just want to go putter in the kitchen.