Orange-Musli-Cranberry Scones Over a Fire
I built a firepit in my backyard over the weekend. Then I gathered makeshift pots and pans to mimic a Dutch Oven.
Prepared the coals in an old cast iron saute pan - my kind of barbeque setup.
I set up a small pot of coals for the cinnamon rolls baking in orange shells. Then I lined the Dutch Oven with parchment, added the scone batter, and put the skillet on top.
I put coals under the pan, and inside the old cast-iron skillet, which serves as a lid. Rotated the whole thing every 15 minutes, sheltering the coals with lids, to block the wind.
When it was almost done, I poured butter and home-made orange marmalade syrup over the top, baked the frosted scones with the lid on for 5 more minutes to caramelize the syrup. Then I lifted up the scones by the parchment paper - it came out perfectly.
The bottom crust did not burn, but the top got quite scorched (not deeply, though). I'll use less charcoal on top next time.
When the scones were done I poured all the usable coals on top of the little pan of cinnamon rolls, which were nesting in orange shells within a tin loaf pan. They were baked, then the ashes were scrapped off, and they were taken out of the pan.
Coffee was next - I got out my Turkish coffee-maker, then sat down and enjoyed a scone, sharing some with my new neighbors next door. Best scones yet! Crispy on the bottom, fragrant, fully cooked. Took one hour. And those two little cinnamon buns, well they were just for fun.