This soup 'saved my life' yesterday when I came home from gardening for two hours at Franklin Park - I was too weary to cook. So, I warmed up a bowl, grilled the brushetta toasts, and collapsed in front of the TV. I never should have done my morning run/hill climb and then turned soil for two hours in the afternoon. It was too much. Interesting how it never feels excessive when I'm doing it! But once the work is done, I can barely move.
One of my plots at Franklin Park has been switched to 'Year Around', which means that the Park District won't till it - I can use it all year for crops like aspargus or raspberries. The other plot will be plowed by Metro Parks every spring. However, I had to work in manure, compost and leaves yesterday to ready it for plowing. It is double-duty, but it really makes for smooth, beautiful soil. Some of my friends at the garden already have their peas and potatoes in, their spinach and lettuce. I've purchased my seeds, 40% off at Fred Meyer, and that is all I've done. This coming week I'll lay out my growing beds on paper.
I've been preparing meals for the freezer, planning ahead for the gardening season, when I'm too busy to cook. Soups, pizza, east-Indian curries, stews, breads.