Monday, July 25, 2005

My Kids - Thanksgiving 2004

These are my children: Laurel (37), Ruh (27), Ruhiyyih (25), Taraz (24), and Rahmat (22).

Laurel is a mental health counselor in private practice; Ruh works in management at Fred Meyer; Ruhiyyih is in China, supervising a team of teachers at a private school; Taraz and Rahmat have just finished the 'In Memory Project', a service project working with Habitat for Humanity. These two youngest are re-visiting the nest.

All my kids look like they have different fathers, but, that is not the case! We just have a very rich gene pool that pops out 'one of a kind'.

And, yes, the hair is real, although experimental!

All my kids enjoy getting together, cause a year ago they were all scattered. Laurel and her husband were visiting his family in Turkey, Ruhiyyih was teaching in China, Taraz was in Michigan and South Carolina, and Rahmat was in Maine. Only Ruh was here, with his wife and young daughter, Daisy.

And George and I, well, we were enjoying an empty nest. I had been caring for children for 37 years, and had one year off. During the last 5 years, I spent 4 of them helping to care for Daisy.

So, you've seen George and I...this is the rest of us!