Friday, August 27, 2010

Canning Peaches This Week

We bought a box of peaches on our return from eastern Washington, and I've been slowly canning a batch or two a day, not making a big production out of it. It is much more enjoyable that way and my day is free for gardening.

We have cooler weather forecast for the next few days. My tomatoes will not benefit from that - down to 59 degrees next week. If those tomatoes do not ripen up, the whole lot will go into pickle relish rather than tomato sauce.

I've been preparing large batches of rasams and sambars - east-Indian soups - and freezing them. They are perfect rewarmed and taken in a thermos on a hike. The rasam features Swiss chard, turnips, carrots and lentils; the sambar has tomatoes, brussel sprouts, onions and beans. The spice blends are very different from each other, resulting in totally different soups.

I roasted/broiled veggies from the garden, then wrapped them in burrito shells.
The shells were fried in a sprinkling of chili spices, paprika, and turmeric.
Shredded provolone holds the veggies in place and adds a nice flavor.

And, I baked another apple pie, using finely chopped almonds in the crust. The apples were canned last fall, and I want the jar for my peaches. Yeah, right... I was just in the mood for pie!