A sight for old eyes, and a little fun along the way.
Monday, August 01, 2011
Morning at Deer Park - Olympic National Park
George sat by the fire as I prepared coffee at daybreak - it was cold! This is always the best moment of the day, because everything gets better...warmth, nourishment, and conversation!
I wore 6 layers to stay warm: A sleeveless cotton under-shirt; a sleeveless cotton shirt; a polyester long-sleeve shirt; cotton long-sleeve underwear; a fleece high-necked vest; and my winter coat. Mittens to keep my hands warm.And, two pairs of pants - the outer layer to protect my slacks while I cook. This saves a lot of wear and tear on good slacks - and protects from campfire sparks and soot.
Our tent in the forest - toasty, with lots of pillows and our down comforters - one for each of us!
Breakfast: Fried Polenta Stir-fry with eggs, bacon and sausage. I enjoyed cooking by the warmth of the fire. Only 14 campsites are available at Deer Park, so early arrival is necessary. The camp kitchen must be packed in the car after every meal to avoid predation. No water is available, and all garbage has to be packed out. We even packed out our dishwater and tooth-brushing liquids to avoid any contamination of the camp.