Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Pullin' Veggies From My Garden

I have harvested my first little mound of potatoes - Yukon Gold, my favorite. I've grown this type for many years, finding them very buttery, crisp, and flavorful. They are excellent mashed, but also make a wonderful potato for a salad, which I've done here.

Since I didn't have any mayonnaise, I substituted with a little ranch dressing mixed with mustard, pickle relish, onion, olive, celery and a little yogurt. I put the potatoes on a bed of salad greens, a mixture from my garden. Green onions, carrots, kale, celery, oregano
, and parsley.

I spent a few hours today preparing dishes for a barbecue, using some vegetables my friend Nancy brought over from one of her cateri
ng events. She gave me a huge bag of fresh whole mushrooms, which I sauteed with onions and garlic, then added to my rice-red wheat blend. I put foil over this rice-wheat-mushroom mixture, and kept it warm in the oven until the barbecue was ready.

Nancy gave me a big bag of sweet bell peppers, whole garlic, roasted potatoes and carrots, and some eggplant, and I combined these with some onions and pineapple that I had left over from the weekend. I put all of the vegetables onto long metal skewers, capping them off with a firm 'rainbow carrot' from my garden. This last item helps hold all the vegetables onto the skewer so they won't slide off.

I grilled our chicken first, putting three large chicken breasts into a grilling basket this time, so that I can better control the grilling height over the charcoal. Our meal was ready in about an hour. I got out my big braiser, and put the chicken and vegetables into it, sliding everything off the skewers. It stayed warm in the oven at a low holding temperature until George came home for dinner.

It was a wonderful afternoon for grilling - finally we have some hot weather, and cooking outside was so relaxing out in my patio. My little grill sits on the cement, so I sit there too, in the shade, tending my fire just like when we camp out. Our cat Pandora sits under one of the patio chairs. She knows I'll give her a little bit of the chicken when it is finished, and she watches me with the utmost eagerness.