A Lovely Lake - Lake Sylvia
Lake Sylvia is a paddler's dream. When George asks me where I'd like to go canoeing, I often suggest Lake Sylvia. He groans, as the lake is so small, so intimate, and in the summertime it is filled to capacity with campers and canoers, fishermen and hikers. There is a lovely trail completely around the lake, and several fishing bridges. A small dam at the lower end of the lake regulates the water flow.
This is the only time of year to paddle there if you want a quiet morning glide. It took just a little over an hour to paddle completely around it, accompanied only by songbirds.
The solitary pair of thrushes seemed to follow us, flitting from tree to tree, until we paddled around a little cutbank out of sight.
Once grounded on this sandbar, we enjoyed the fresh air, the blissful sunshine, and the solitude of the surrounding forests. Come summertime, the little ripples in the sandbar will hide small salamanders. They scurry away when they see us approach.