Surprises In The Comment Section
I've spent several hours today going through the comments in my archives. When I reformatted my blog, I lost my Haloscan comments. Blogger only had a few comments per month, and these remained on my blog. I noticed that spammers had found my blog and flooded the posts with highly objectionable spam. So, I've installed the word verification gadget, with the hope of discouraging spam. I really hesitated to install this initially, as I can hardly figure out the letters myself, and didn't want to pose a nuisance to visitors. As I was deleting spam, I came across a May 2006 post about Darfur, to which my son left a comment. Time must have gone by, maybe days, and so I missed seeing the comment. What a surprise and delight to see this appreciative comment by my son Rue:
" Hi Mom, Today I had my speech class at Toastmasters. One of the functions of Toastmasters is a part where they do Table Topics. During Table Topics a person is called on randomly with a speech topic and is asked to give a speech on that topic without any warning. This forces a person to think quickly on their feet, and organize their thoughts.The topic today was a Mothers Day theme and I was called on. An earlier topic had been gardening, so the first thing that came to mind was:
“After our family moved here to Washington from Kalispell, Montana, money was tight.
My mom signed up and got a community garden plot that was about 4 blocks from our house."
"Everyday my mom would walk down to her plot with her wagon of tools and she grew tons and tons of vegetables."
"We didn’t have a lot back then, but we always had healthy fruits and vegetables and home-cooked prepared food was always available."
"My mom gardened at that plot for a few years when our family needed it the most."
"She still uses those gardening skills in her backyard, where the next generation, my daughter, has gotten to taste the fruits of her labors as well."
"Now as child, I didn’t understand everything that was going on, but as an adult now and having been through similar circumstances, I appreciate what was done.”Thanks Momma!