Monday, September 13, 2010

A Busy Weekend - Production and Family

While George worked under the house repairing insulation I made plum syrup. I'll make several more batches, then call it quits. We'll give the rest of the plums to the food bank.

We attended the Olsen's devotional on Sunday.

Ruhiyyih and Matt came to Tacoma to run in a race and celebrate a birthday. Then we all went to Annie's and Rue's for lunch.

George was given permission to photograph in Daisy's room - can you tell she is a teenager?

George's brother Dick will arrive tomorrow for a visit, so I have much to do out in the garden and here at home if I am to participate in their outings. Fortunately, my tomatoes are ripening late, so I can hold off making sauce and canning it.

I'm still up to my ears in turnips, parsnips, potatoes, celery and carrots, kale and chard. I have been making soup and freezing it. Matt and Ruhiyyih left town yesterday afternoon forgetting to load up on zucchini. So, I'll be making more miniature loaves for hiking trips, and freezing them.