Monday, December 20, 2010

Worst Hike Ever: Mima Falls in the Capitol Forest

I saw a warning sign at the trailhead saying, "Warning: Wear Hunters Orange During Hunting Season." George didn't take too many photos, we were too busy high-tailing it outta there! Now, in all fairness, we were adjacent to a shooting range, and I figured we wouldn't get shot, but we got outta there fast.

We drove through the Sherman Valley, where we discovered a campground we thought about using next summer for a family picnic. Then I realized Daniel would be walking then; and the swift streams would be too hazardous. Water was very high, just raging. I had the most uncomfortable feelings, like danger was everywhere, life is unpredictable - and people and Nature are not friendly.

Our local paper had an article today, on "a year of living and dying dangerously", a year of unprecedented natural disasters, the deadliest year in more than a generation. In addition to landslides, droughts, earthquakes, heat-waves, super typhoons, and blizzards, man-made global warming is changing our climate, impacting all over the world. Every choice we make shows either that we care, or that we are indifferent. People had strewn beer bottles around the Sherman Creek Campground. A folded baby diaper was dumped on the ground. People didn't care, I felt uncomfortable. When we arrived home I told George I was sure glad to be home.