Friday, November 04, 2005

Afternoon Walk at Point Defiance Park

I took a long afternoon walk in the rain today at Point Defiance Park . Here in Tacoma there is a wonderful light drizzle all winter long, and if you want to walk anywhere, it is often in the rain. A bit of fog was just settling in, and the forest was quite dark, peaceful.

I walked down to Owens beach, and walked along the shoreline. On my way up through the forest, I saw several deer, who seemed not at all concerned that I was there. I kept my distance, watching them browse and twitch their tails. They'd stop chewing and listen and then resume nibbling the huckleberry branches. At one point, I followed them along a little trail, and we walked along single file, stopping to breathe the air, to listen...marvelous teachers, they were.

At one point, I stood under a tall cedar, whose base and branches were covered in glistening little ferns. I stood under these to get out of the rain. Chicades signaled from the berry bushes, and big-leaf maple leaves tumbled down to the ground. Oh, the weight and yet the softness of rain, transforming the light, encouraging the fog to settle in.

I must say, getting out for a daily walk is so refreshing. I try to make it a part of every day - rain or shine.