Friday, April 21, 2006

No Rental Agreements Needed Here

If you look closely, you'll see a little fluffy wren sitting on this old birdhouse out my window. There is something so urgent about her. You see, she keeps coming back to this place, sitting and chirping, exploring the doorway, sitting on the roof ---- telling her mate that this is 'the place' she has chosen for her nest.

But, he comes over, hops on the roof, explores the doorway, looks around, and flys away! He will not nest here.

The little female has urged him to reconsider many times over the past weeks, but he just looks inside and flys away. Meanwhile, she fluffs out her feathers with a protest. She doesn't care that this little house is too close to my back door, or that our cats could walk over and stick a paw in the door. This must be a new experience for her, and she is not paying attention to the prudent instincts of her mate.

When I built the birdhouse out of scraps 10 years ago, it was just for fun. No bird has ever lived in it, and I want to remove it....but now I've got potential tenants. I need to wait until she has either convinced hubby to settle down, or he has convinced there are better accommodations elsewhere. I sure wish one of them would make up their minds.