Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Heading Over to Montana

I've been pulling a few things from the garden to get ahead on the cooking. I hope to leave a freezer-full of goodies for George to pull for meals when I head over to Montana on the weekend.

The garden is doing well, now that we've had some great warm weather.
I've tied up the tomatoes, dug potatoes, picked the last of the snow peas. Still have lots of Swiss Chard and lettuce - cold weather produce.

I made two side-dishes today to accompany our sambar - a bean poriyal, and steamed vegetables, including cattail shoots.

Ruhiyyih and Matt are driving over to Montana, too, and I'll ride over with my son Rue and his wife Annie. Rahmat plans to ride with us, and we'll stay a week - G
eorge will stay home to care for the garden.

I'm really looking forward to seeing my twin sister's garden, do some hiking in Glacier Park, chill with the family .... and meet my sister's new great-grand babies, Aiden and Rose!