Saturday, August 27, 2005

Dilly Bread for Supper

I'm serving Dilly Bread tonite for a light supper.

It is a bread I've made for about 30 years, and is a yeast bread, with cottage cheese, onion, and dill as flavorings. It is meant to be served with soup or dipped in pizza sauce or salsa with green onions.

I usually make two batches at a time, which uses up a full container of cottage cheese. It should be served warm, right out of the oven.

Usually my family will eat a loaf at one sitting, or it can be packed for a picnic lunch.

We'll be heading over to Eastern Washington tomorrow, for a little paddling, and I plan to pack Dilly Bread with Salsa for our lunch. That, and some ice cold lemonaide...

Have a great day - the last weekend in August!