Saturday, August 06, 2005

My Back Yard

The yards in Tacoma have all dried out, gone dormant. We let them go tan, because everything greens up again in October, and the tan color is a welcome change!

This is my back yard. Days here are perfect for putting the laundry out, and I do, just for the fragrance in bed linens. All my herbs and catmint are underneath, so when the wind blows, it gives a scent to my laundry.

That is Daisy's little cabin in the background, and the following post will talk about that.

Tree malva, a lovely pink flowering shrub borders the cabin on both sides. It is a shrub that looks great all year, but flowers only in the summertime. It is very drought-tolerant, and can be neglected, still looking wonderful all year.

This is the first year that I have pulled back from gardening, letting my husband do the heavy work. I used to have the whole back yard filled with garden vegetables and flowers, but I put most of the backyard to grass now.

George has his bean plants along the laundry-room, by the back door, and they are going to go up the side of the house. He has constructed rope trellises, and they are right in front of my big window. So, I'm checking out the little white flowers, and watching the beans grow.

We are restoring parts of the back yard that had a goat corral, a chicken coup, and a rabbit hutch. We are taking these things out, putting it all to grass. I had a little farm out back, when Daisy was younger.

We have a plum tree and a huge cherry tree, great for pies and canning. A covered patio, where the shade is great in summer, has a little table for two, for coffee-time. In winter, I hang out a bird feeder there. When we bought our home, the back yard was the first priority - I knew I'd be spending a lot of time out there.