Thursday, December 22, 2005

They Were Taught Well - Bargan Hunting

When we were raising our five children, it seemed like there was never enough money to go around - and there wasn't. They all were in the habit of borrowing each other's clothes, wearing each others shoes, and even trading coats and sweaters. In other words, I fostered the concept of Hand-Me-Downs.

George taught them all to shop at discount shops, like Ross, and I took them DOWN a step further, to look for bargans at the Goodwill. My oldest son, when he married at 18, was able to furnish his apartment using stuff from there. Which reminds me of a coat he was wearing at the time - the last coat I ever bought him. I sewed a heavy blanket lining inside it, when the old lining wore out.

Today, when Taraz and I were shopping, we dropped by the Goodwill, and I found a perfectly good toaster for $2.00...and that is good, as they last about two months here before someone takes a baseball bat to them. This one has a nice little "Betty Crocker" label - I hope she will survive. However, with my son Rahmat moving out in a couple days, and Taraz soon to follow, the toaster stands a fair chance of survival here.