Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hunger Pangs

I spent most of the afternoon cooking; two of my boys are having a day off from work, and they are hungry. Dinner is served!

They've been cleaning up a woman's yard and helping out at Brighton Creek Conference Center. They are 'between real jobs' right now, and so they are staying busy helping out wherever they can. When Taraz got off work last night, he went down to the Red Cross office, and signed up to do some volunteer work, which is what they love to do.

I guess when nothing is coming to you, it is best to go to it! I tell them, 'provide service, to see what you are worth', and, you'll learn a lot. I remember doing this a long time ago, when I couldn't find a job - I just volunteered to do what I wanted to do. I helped out in a nursing home, put out a state bulletin, co-ordinated travel teaching teams, gave classes in art, babysat, even taught for several weeks in preschools at Baha'i summer schools. It allowed me to tap into experiences I never would have had otherwise. And, I met other nice people who taught me how to quilt or knit, how to bake bread, and make Mexican tortillas from scratch.

I sometimes worry about my boys, like mothers do, and I pour that anxiety into cooking good food. Last night they came home so tired, George too, and I was grateful that I had a good hearty meal to serve. And, I did it in shifts, as they all came, well, I ate dinner as I was making it, a taste here, a taste there. Counting my blessings, one taste at a time.