We got the family together on Sunday for a celebration - a farewell party for Ruhiyyih.
She is moving to Washington D.C. to continue her job search, and has already secured an apartment with a group of girls in a house in Arlington, Virginia. She has friends in the area that she saw at Christmas, so I know she won't be jumping down into the unknown. She feels quite at home there

Ruhiyyih spent a year teaching in China, has done grant writing, volunteer management, social services, and now desires to upgrade her language skills in Arabic, French, and Chinese. Classes in these languages are offered free at the Department of Agriculture. She has a friend who is studying languages there.
These photos show my son Ruh, his wife Annie and their daughter Daisy; Taraz and Rahmat, our sons; Laurel and Ruhiyyih, our daughters; Mehran, our son in law; Annie's parents Tim and Kathy, their son Ben; Megan, a close Baha'i friend of Taraz's; and Renee and Bryn, two of Ruhiyyihs friends. Dottie, Veronica and her baby Justin joined us a little later, after these shots were taken.