Friday, August 31, 2007

Blackberry Pickin's

While I was taking my morning walk, I saw these the other day, on a little-used gravely road. I've been taking a little zip-lock bag, and picking just a few every other day or so. My goodness, years ago we'd pick at least 3 gallons of blackberries at a time, and I'd make blackberry syrup and jam.

Our plum tree is ready to pick, so I'll be making syrup and jam this Labor Day weekend. I'm also planning to go through a few recipe books, too: "Trailside Cookbook - a Handbook for Hungry Campers and Hikers", and "Grilling From The Garden - Vegetarian Dishes for the Outdoor Cook". With George being a diabetic, so many of our meals have to be low-carb, low fat, and vegetarian. He also is wanting to loose a few more pounds, so I always try to have plenty of 'rabbit food' at the ready. (I do cheat a lot when we camp.)

George will be out at the Brighton Creek Conference Center at the Arts Festival for the next 3 days, playing music all day. We have no other plans for this busy weekend.

I hope everyone drives safely - have a happy weekend.