Monday, January 30, 2006

Just The Ladies Discussing Motherhood

Megan looks pensive here, as she listens to Molly talk about raising her two young children, a 3 year old girl and an 8-month old boy. Molly is a stay at home mom, and comes to Starbucks on the weekend with her hubby, for outings.

In the lower photo I'm holding out my hand to make a point about having 5 children. We compared notes, and Molly is a lot like me - likes a clean house, puts things away before bedtime. Being a stay at home mom is just like running your own business - to make it work you've got to have goals, get focused, and get organized.

Taraz perked up his ears when Molly talked about being sensitive to fabric, and clothing labels - I guess I am too, as I often will wear a tee shirt wrong side out to avoid feeling a scratchy label. It is fun to see others with the same odd tendancies. I really enjoyed listening to Molly describe her colicky baby, trying to use a snuggly and back-pack. We talked about all of our hiking excursions with toddlers and babies in tow.

She is already trying to integrate her kids into social events, and learning to teach them to stay busy....I had to laugh, because I pulled out a case of KINEX under the seat of George's car - a box of leggo-like shapes for children to put together. He takes them on his home visits, so that when he is talking with the parents, the kids stay occupied.

George handed Taraz my camera, and told him to shoot some photos. So, he got one of Molly and I and one of Megan. He took some others, and we'll be e-mailing them to Molly in a few days. It was a fun coffee break, discussing trails, kids, and getting to know someone new along the way. I wish Molly many wonderful years with her family - and I told her it really goes by fast....too fast.